The Galician section of the Primitive Way or Primitive Jubilee Route starts in A Fonsagrada, more specifically in O Acebo peak, and it goes on through some villages from A Fonsagrada, such as Fonfría, Silvela, Paradanova and finally the municipal capital, where apart from its magnificient mountain landscapes and its amazing waterfalls, it will also leave a mark on visitors due to its cuisine, where the main dish is the butelo (meat-stuffed pork intestine), to which is paid homage the previous weekend to Carnival. This cold meat is usually accompanied by the cocido gallego (a traditional Spanish stew), which is so typical in this area. The dessert par excellence is the A Fonsagrada cake that is made of almonds and cream.
The way offers two itineraries at this point: A Proba de Burón or O Padrón, which are joined again in Hospital de Montouto.
The route through A Proba de Burón
This route goes on through A Bastida, A proba de Burón and Xeitoso de Arriba, and is joined with the one of O Padrón in Hospital de Montouto.
The route through O Padrón
the parish of O Padrón is found at the way out of A Fonsagrada and goes on through the places of Vilardongo and Pedrafita, until arriving to Hospital de Montouto, whose name keeps the memory of the ancient hospital of pilgrims that was active since XIV century until XX century. The itinerary passes in this section at 1.000-1.100 metres high, and then it goes down progressively until the 700 metres high in the following village: Paradavella.