OVIEDO – GRADO (25,7 Km)
Councils of Oviedo, Las Regueras, Candamo and Grado
El Camino starts from the plaza of Alfonso II, in front of the cathedral, leaving the urban area along the current streets of San Juan, La Luna, Covadonga, Melquiades Álvarez, Independencia and La Argañosa. Link then, after crossing the train track by a footbridge, with the street Alfonso I the Catholic and crosses the recent urbanization of Florida to return to the Old Road, today asphalted, in the Pontón de Riello.
On this road you access San Lázaro de Paniceres and Las Campas, where you leave by taking a deviation to the right that leads, skirting, to Llampaxuga. The Camino passes in front of the chapel of Carmen and descends towards the Bouero trail and the place of La Pipera, arriving at the road that, on the right, leads to Lloriana. Leaving the church of Santa María on the left, the Camino goes down to La Bolguina where it connects with the AS-232 road (Oviedo – Escamplero), which continues on the right, until the Nora river is crossed by the medieval Ponte de Gallegos and surpass the last houses of the town of Gallegos.
Take a deviation to the right that goes into the beautiful area of Castañeu del Soldao and arrives, almost next to the Nora River, to the Mill of Quintos from where it ascends through La Carrilona until finding again with the AS-232 in the vicinity of La Venta de Escamplero. When you reach the junction with the Trubia road (AS-233), follow it on the right, for about 100 meters. At the next fork, take the AS-234 road, on the left, in the direction of Santullano.
It passes next to the church of Santa María and the Escamplero pilgrims hostel. About 400 meters later, the road is left to take a deviation to the left that crosses Taraniello, passes in front of La Rectoral and returns to the AS-234 road, which continues, to the left until the chapel of Santa Fatima of Valsera.
Once the chapel is over, the road separates from the regional road AS-234 and turns left. Go through the houses of Valsera and continue, on the right, along a paved path that leads to La Rabaza. Faldeando arrives at Picarín and, with the southwest direction, continues until it connects with the carretéra that, in front, leads to Premoño. About 400 meters after passing the chapel of Santa Ana de Premoño, take a path that opens to the right and descends to the valley of Ardaje.
Bordering Valduno’s vega it goes north to La Fuente, where it heads west until it joins the Valduno road, which continues, to the right, to reach Paladín and, crossing the Soto River, continue to the left, towards Puerma. In El Fornu the road is left to take a track, on the left, which goes to the mini-town of Valduno II.
Follow the road parallel to the Nalón, pass the La Carril farm, cross the La Xana stream by a wooden walkway and continue along the river until it joins the AS-234 road, which leads to the Nalón. Through the Peñaflor bridge. The following stretch coincides with the N-634 road until finding a deviation to the right that goes into the town of Peñaflor. After passing under the train track, it crosses the valley of the same name towards Grado, by a track that replaces the original layout interrupted in several points.
Folklore & Traditions
Datos de interés
Difficulty: MEDIA
Walking time: 5h
Running time: 3h 30 min
Cycling time: 2h 30 min
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Hotel Princesa Munia
Hotel Nature Oviedo
Hotel Enclave Las Caldas:
Hotel Rural Casa de la Veiga:
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